For the cure of urinary calculi, it is a good plan to rub
the abdomen with mouse-dung. The flesh of a hedge-hog is
agreeable eating, they say, if killed with a single blow upon
the head, before it has had time to discharge its urine[1] upon
its body: [persons[2] who eat this flesh, it is said, will never by
any possibility suffer from strangury.] The flesh of a hedgehog thus killed, is a cure for urinary obstructions of the bladder; and the same, too, with fumigations made therewith. If,
on the other hand, the animal has discharged its urine upon its
body, those who eat the flesh will be sure to be attacked by
strangury, it is said. As a lithontriptic,[3] earth-worms are
recommended, taken in ordinary wine or raisin wine; or else
boiled snails, prepared the same way[4] as for the cure of asthma.
For the cure of urinary obstructions, snails are taken from the
shells, pounded, and administered in one cyathus of wine, three
the first day, two the second, and one the third. For the expulsion of calculi, the empty shells are reduced to ashes and
taken in drink: the liver also of a water-snake, and the ashes
of burnt scorpions are similarly employed, or are taken with
bread or eaten with a locust. For the same purpose, the
small grits that are found in the gizzard of poultry or in the
craw of the ringdove, are beaten up and sprinkled in the
patient's drink; the craw, too, of poultry is taken, dried, or if
fresh, grilled.
For urinary calculi and other obstructions of the bladder,
dung of ring-doves is taken, with beans; ashes also of wild
ring-doves' feathers, mixed with vinegar and honey; the intestines of those birds, reduced to ashes, and administered in
doses of three spoonfuls; a small clod from a swallow's nest,
dissolved in warm water; the dried crop of an ossifrage; the
dung of a turtle-dove, boiled in honied wine; or the broth of
a boiled turtle-dove.
It is very beneficial also for urinary affections to eat thrushes
with myrtle-berries, or grasshoppers grilled on a shallow-pan;
or else to take the millepedes, known as "onisci,"[5] in drink.
For pains in the bladder, a decoction of lambs' feet is used.
Chicken-broth relaxes the bowels and mollifies acridities;
swallows' dung, too, with honey, employed as a suppository,
acts as a purgative.